When the film begins we see Tom Cruise's character, Bill, getting ready for some party. He is wearing a tuxedo with a bow tie.
He and his wife Alice, played by Nicole Kidman, say goodbye to their daughter who is being watched by a nanny. Notice her butterfly/angel wings (both common in programming).
They arrive at the party on a checkerboard floor.
They greet the party's host, Victor, and his wife. Notice his wife has on a red dress.
Victor is also wearing a bow tie.
Here we see a view of the entire party and every male is wearing a bow tie. I think Kubrick added this to the film to give hints about what the bow tie symbolizes for Freemasons. If you pay attention, you'll see a lot of influential men wearing bow ties at important times in their career like the James Cameron photos that I posted. It seems really trivial but a lot of what they do is.
As the party progresses we see there are A LOT of wives at the party wearing red. Coincidence? I think not. Kubrick dropped a lot of hints in this film.
Later Bill recognizes the pianist as someone he went to medical school with.
Later on the couple split up and mingle around the party. A strange man approaches Alice and begins to seduce her.
At the same time two women who look like models approach Bill. They try to lead him away from the rest of the party. When Bill asks where they are taking him, one responds "Where the rainbow ends". Hopefully you're starting to spot the MK symbolism. As the two women try to lead Bill to a back room he is approached by a man (who is also wearing a bow tie) who says Victor needs to see him. The man leads Bill to a room where Victor is standing shirtless in front of a nude woman who is passed out and also looks like a model. Victor asks Bill to help with the situation (because he is a doctor). I'm not going to go into every detail but basically he brings the woman back to a conscious state.
The next morning the family resumes to their normal schedule. As they're getting ready we see the daughter in a red dress. Again, I feel this was intentionally shown. There are a lot of little clues shown throughout the movie with the daughter to show how this trauma is passed down from generation to generation and just how young it starts (sometimes at birth). That's why it's so hard for victims to break free from their programming, "It's all they've ever known." Later that evening, while smoking a blunt, Alice questions Bill about the two women at the party as if she has room for jealousy with her flirting she was doing that night. Bill answers that they were just a couple of models so my suspicion that they were models is confirmed (I will explain why this is important later).
So yeah, a lot happened in between the last scene in this one but they don't apply to MK so I'm not really bothering to discuss it. I'm going to skip a lot of stuff, if you want to see the full movie buy it or read a more general review about the movie itself, this is only concerning it's MK/Illuminati themes. So anyway, Bill runs across this women who also happens to look like a model (do all women in New York look like models?). She invites him up to her apartment and he agrees. Notice her purple dress.
So pretty much they were about to have sex but Alice calls and Bill decides to leave. Notice the lion stuffed animal and prints all over the bed. She is a sex kitten. The reason all of the women look like models is because they are "presidential sex models" (click that link to learn more) that are basically mind controlled to be sexual slaves to elite men. Notice how these wealthy men have these beautiful women flocking to them? It is not always because they have money. Marilyn Monroe was reportedly the first presidential model to be allowed public notoriety (hence why our current sex kittens love to use her image so much).
Later Bill finds a bar where his pianist friend Nick is playing. Watch this clip to see happens next.
And so he goes to a costume shop, check out the name of the shop...
I guess this is the "go to" shop for the Elite because here we see just about all the suits and tuxedos we've seen and will see throughout the film. Nick was wearing the white tuxedo at Victor's party.
Checkerboard costume with a mask. The masks are interesting. Remember the masks featured in the shop as well as the tuxedo with a bow tie in Kid Cudi's video?
The store owner catches his underage daughter with two Asian men and is very upset and threatens to call the cops on them.
Bill finally gets his costume, takes a taxi to the address, presents the password, and he's in.
When he walks in he sees some type of ceremony going on with strange rituals.
Nick is there playing blind folded as he said he would be.
The people under the robes turn out to be women with, again, long, slender, model looking bodies.
The ritual involves girl on girl kissing.
After the ritual is complete each woman goes to find a man to have sex with. This women is shown walking and if you see the movie you'll see she walks exactly like the models on the runway. Again, this was intentional.
The evening continues with a masked orgy similar to this.
They eventually catch on that Bill does not belong there and ask him to present the password in front of everyone. They ask for a second password and says he has know idea. There are gasps in the room because there is no second password and they realize an outsider has somehow slipped through the gates.
He is then asked to remove his mask. As they are about to carry him away to do who knows what to him the model interrupts and asks to be taken instead. As the film progresses it becomes clear that they sacrificed her.
When Bill returns home he finds Alice in bed talking in her sleep. When he wakes her she tells him about a dream she had where she is having sex with a ton of men. This is very interesting because it has been reported by trauma victims that they are made to believe that their abuse was a dream and sometimes suppressed memories that were buried deep within the subconscious mind due to mind control techniques creep back up at a later time when the programming starts to break down. By this time in the movie it starts to become clear that Alice herself was a sex kitten as more and more memories of past sexual experiences start to come up in conversations.
The next morning Bill goes to visit Nick at his hotel. He is told that Bill checked out earlier with two scary looking men and a bruise on his face and that he looked scared. Clearly they have found out Nick gave Bill the password.
Later Bill returns his costume and is surprised to see that the two Asian men are just now leaving. Even more surprising is that the owner is now friendly with them. Later on the owner even offers his daughter to Bill free of charge. This is most likely ringing a bell with those who have read about the ritual child abuse and sex slavery of MK Ultra.
Later Bill returns to the mansion and is threatened with this note.
Later that night he notices a strange man is following him. They are onto him.
Next he returns to the girl who tried to fuck him apartment (you would think he would just go home and rest by now, lol), her friend informs him that the other girl has been infected with HIV (after she herself tries to fuck him, lol). Bill decides to go home (it's about time).
He reads about an ex-beauty queen that has died of a drug overdose.
Of course you immediately think of the girl at the ball that saved him after the ritual. He then goes to the hospital to check and see if it is indeed her.
Watch the below Youtube video to view that scene.
Later on Victor invites him over to talk to him. He warms him about the people at the ball and says if he knew who was under the masks he would not sleep so well. Basically he is warning him not to fuck with these people because there are high ranking people under those masks. They are the Illuminati.
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