Sunday, March 22, 2009

James Cameron

Here are two pictures of legendary director James Cameron. Note the bow tie which I spoke about in my Kid Cudi blog entry. I will get back into that topic for my upcoming Eyes Wide Shut blog if I EVER get around to it. I've been very busy lately.

Anyway, while at David Icke's forum I came across this article about James Cameron. Allegedly James Cameron is a Freemason and has being using mind control techniques from Ewen Cameron since the beginning of his career. You might remember I posted about Ewen a while back (click here). It's funny how things keep syncing up. I posted about the smiley face and it pops up in the new Watchmen movie, I posted about Britney's elevator video for Madonna's tour and now Ciara has a video with a similar theme, and now Ewen Cameron is mentioned a lot in this article I found. The article is very interesting so check it out.

James Cameron

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