Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cross-Generational Programming


  1. Great videos. I'm surprised more people have not focused on Mariah Carey and her Monarch programming. Her's is about as blatant as you can get.

  2. This is BS. Mariah does not use symbolism nor was her childhood traumatizing for herself. I personally went to school with Mariah and was her good friend. You sir are a psychopath.

  3. Hi, Anonymous. I'm assuming you're the same anonymous commenter from the Britney Spears post. Your cheap personal attacks and ignorant blanket statements are the same.

    Going to school with someone does not give you insight onto whether or not they are a Monarch slave. Why do you think Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler named their book The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an UNDETECTABLE Total Mind Controlled Slave? Seriously this is basic information you would come across immediately if you would have bothered to research the topic a bit before commenting.

  4. I am not going to research the topic through biased sources made by people with one view one this. Instead I think I'm going to use logic. The government is not using mind control on people. How could it predict who would become a great singer and have good public speaking skills from birth? Unless they consume a large, large amount of children who are rounded up in some nonexistent lab? All of that sounds wrong, impossible, and unintelligent (I would say stupid but it would be an ignorant useless word, amiright?).

    Experiments did go on, but in the 1950s. Our government apologized for their acts, admitting to it and that they have stopped going on. How could a government brain wash it's future with no consideration? That previous sentence meaning, what would be the point of doing this if the generation was full of useless brain washed people.

    As personally knowing Mariah, not once was she ever out of the ordinary, or having personality triggers.

  5. You remind me of someone that I blocked on Youtube the other week. Are you the same person? As far as your comment, I have already explained to you that Monarch programming is UNDETECTABLE unless the programming breaks down which is very rare. You're not bringing anything to the table besides your opinion so I will not allow you to waste my time. Think what you want.

  6. I love your blog. I am curios why you would use John Todd as a reference. It seems that he is not credible.

  7. Many whistleblowers do not seem credible. The story is usually the same, they come out with their information and shortly after their public image is tarnished by some sort of scandal. Fritz Springmeier suffered the same fate.

  8. Anyone that comes here with anger against the poster is a RED flag of a person deceived. To the person who went to school with mariah and is having severe menstrual cramps over this webpage...please....cry over your own pretty sure mariah isnt on a website crying over you...the government doesnt PREDICT stars....they CHOOSE them .....*sigh*...I cant believe I even wasted my time typing this when I could be eating pizza...

  9. Thanks, I will bookmark this page and use it... really very help full blog.

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  10. From the information i've gathered from the net and clips on youtube, I am a strong believer in Monarch Programming. I can't believe this is happening undected and in front of our eyes. I feel sorry for the artists that have been subjected to mind control, I feel more horrible for the ones that glitch and begin questioning their thoughts and actions when under the monarch programming. Thank you for the info of the symbolism I missed in that "I wanna Go" video. What is more sad than being under monarch programming is that Britney has been potraying her life in her under monarch programming in her most recent videos, such as "Hold it Against Me" she is surrounded by televisions, monitors, etc. that are showing previous videos of her and she forced to watch them. Another thing that caught my eye was the two britney's fighting each other, which this is obvious it's the real britney fighting the monarch program britney that they shoved in her head. Both of them fighting to win the chance to surface and take control once again.

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