Friday, January 7, 2011

The Basics of Mind Control


  1. Happy New Year! Its very unlikely, imho, that this shooter 'Jared' would have only just opened a Youtube account in Oct. 2010, made a load of mind control - anti-establishment videos, then gone out to kill himself (and a lot of other people) in this way. That Youtube page, and as you say, the way he describes himself, does not sound 'real' to me in any way. I believe, its my opinion, that the Youtube page has been set up by someone else...Its far too empty, no background picture either...I think a behavioral scientist that studies male-youth behaviour on-line could probably confirm that something isn't quite right about the public persona of this guy. And look at the number of hits each of his videos has...there is NO WAY ON EARTH they garnered such numbers over night...that page has been doctored! Sounds like a conspiracy theory? It is!!!

  2. I think he has that many hits because people found the page after the shootings. Notice he has so many "dislikes".

  3. Where is the article? I clicked the link and was sent back to this page.

  4. It's not an article, it's a Youtube video. You just press play and it starts playing. Are you browsing on a phone?

  5. Oh, my youtube is disabled because of viruses. I'll check it out from the laptop later on. Thanks for clearing that up, love your site!
