Monday, February 8, 2010

It's time to move on.

Earlier today I came across some pictures of Rihanna on the set of her new music video. It should come as no surprise that the photos featured all of the standard "MK" symbolism frequently present in pop culture. For a brief moment I thought about posting the photos here and pointing out what you all are well aware of, but then I thought why? What would I honestly be contributing to the world by preaching to the choir?

When I initially started this blog it was a place for me to explore what was really going on in pop culture. That search led me from Monarch programming, to Occult symbols, and everything in between. When I wrote The Dimensions of Dance I was surprised by how it turned out. While I still believe that there is symbolism in pop culture I now know none of it controls me or anyone else unless they allow it to. Symbolism is all about perception and if you perceive a symbol to be a method of control that is exactly what it will be to you. Anyone who tells you any different has a lot to learn.

I typed all of that to say that this will be my final time posting a blog entry to MK Culture. I believe there should be a purpose to everything we do in life and Dimensions of Dance was that purpose for me (in terms of this blog). Who knows, maybe I will return with another blog about something completely different. I hope I have inspired some of you to think about things in a different way at the very least. Even if you completely disagreed with me I hope I made you question what you would usually not even give a second thought. Peace and Love to All.


  1. *hugs Yeshua* I don't blame you! as for me I feel as I hit a glass celing with the 'conspiracy' stuff because most of what I read these days is the same thing over and over and we know all the symbols, what to look for, ect...

    its pretty redundant after a while...and I don't write about it on my blog but I can imagine your situation.

    All we can do is live our life the way we want and STAY AWARE! It doesnt mean you're giving up but shit I guess The Powers That Be is making shit BORING (lol) and its the SAME shit, same characters and ok shit we get it...BUT at the same time there are millions who don't

    PEACE AND LOVE TO YOU! Go out and live life and FUCK them people! Gotta free your mind but be aware at the same time. Its something we can't shake from us.


  2. i always visit your blog but never post a comment..but i just wanted to let you know that your work was not in vain and i learn something new each time..i use to get so mad wit hollywood because they think we are so DUMB but now im like i know whats up i continue to research just not in overload and what they do and worship is between them and there GOD..Be Blessed

  3. Hello Yeshua - are you serious? I've always gained a lot from reading your blog and I've only just discovered you - this is a shame. What is it that silly people say...keep the faith?!

  4. Hey guys, first of all thanks for the comments and support. I'm not losing faith or motivation, I just feel like it's the right time to end it. Anything that I could say from this point on would just be reinforcing things that I've said in the past. When I saw the Rihanna pictures I realized I would not even be paying attention to her if I didn't start this blog. I think it's important to question things and come to your own conclusions but I also think it's important to move on once you've made that conclusion. I don't want to just become another source of entertainment for people. The intention of this blog was a place to learn and question. This blog will remain here for anyone who wants to read my past work or anyone who happens to come across this blog in the future. Once again, thanks for the support and Love and Peace to All.

  5. Aww, I was just about to ask if you can do a post on Mcqueen, who commited suicide...

  6. Thank you for all of your postings. You've really helped to awaken me.

  7. I totally understand! When I first delved into this topic I went biszerk! The amount and repetition. But then I realixzed that this programming worked on me at one time when I was young. Sucked me in! Thanks to people like you, I can now say I know what I see. The symbolism no longer seduces me to part with money or time. I am glad to see I wasn't the only one ready to move on, back into an authentic life.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Everyone has said pretty much what I've been wanting to say. Thank you so much for all the info, it will forever (if you don't delete this blog) be a source of truth and great impartial information. I still enjoy the Hollywood scene but I feel wiser and aware now because of blogs like yours. A salute from Honduras.

  10. Damn! How'd i miss this?

    funny how sync works; i was standing on my porch yesterday, looking at the trees, questioning whether or not my own research was distracting me from the simple beauty in the world. nowadays, as the symbolism is getting so ramped up, the subtext in pop has become the distraction. string pullers simply insert a pentagram here or a ram's head there, and have youtubers circle-jerkin over their "discovery" of evidence of the occult satanist agenda. it takes a certain type of mind to be able switch perspectives and realize when the research is doing you...

    i'll miss your work here, but i completely understand what you're doing. i know you'll never really stop, tho ;] once the eye-gates are open, they're open.

    i'm hoping to move my work into video; i hope you'll be willing to contribute a thoughtbyte now and again if needed. and of course, you know The Patternist lives on comments; please dont be a stranger.

  11. I'll definitely continue to read your blog, Tour. I'll also keep a look out for your videos.

  12. Thanks, ME. I know you were one of my early followers and I will keep up with your work in the future. Peace and Love to you and your family.

  13. Yehsua I deserve a better birthday present that this,lol. I turned 21 on the 14th and come on here to find that one of my favorite blogs is going bye bye ;( I'll miss you and your keen eye. I got a lot out your blog never found it repetitious. That's why it was one of my fav! And you always dug deeper and made connections that were oblivious to the natural eye. Well peace,love and blessings from the Bay. Please shoot me an email every now and again. And critique my blog once I get a computer and its up and fully running. Please don't delete this blog even if you discontinue it. [Sighs and starts singing MJ] Never can say goodbye...;(
