Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Courtney Love says Britney's father molested her and now owns her for slavery

"britneys dad molested her , imagine the father that molested you owning you for slavery while your forced to sing songs picked for thier sexual content every night, insane right? i have it on First had authority, and fight as hard as she is and does she still didnt pull that card, its a pride thing i can relate to, However they want to play dirty, lets go, Im SO not affraid of the little trolls who hit this when i was fucked up who are called lawyers. lets GO." - Courtney Love


  1. Have you noticed, there's been a lot of disclosure recently, a lot of secrets coming out in the news...? Like the behind-the-scenes meetings on the Iraq war between the British Prime Minister and the US pushing for war and that everyone was not convinced but pretended to believe there was a threat from Sadam, or the health professionals now coming out to say that there is no real need for screening for cancer or testing women at all, and it possibly causes the disease and doesn't spot it until it's too late anyway, or the big reveal about pseudo-science in the climate change debate, and that man-made global warming is in fact a myth...what else are we going to hear soon? What other secrets are suddenly going to be revealed in public like this?

  2. wow thats deep especially considering she is also a victim of some sorts plus the media plays her as some dumb druggie i guess they always kill and defame people who know the truth.

  3. ... : I've noticed a lot of secrets are coming out. What I find interesting is how the public responds very nonchalantly.

    domo143 : I've noticed that all of the public figures that speak on this kind of stuff are deemed crazy.

  4. very true andd when an individual decides to "wake up" they see everything for what it is and realize its been right in your face the entire time. I was reading the enquierer or one of those magazine that folk consider sleazy due to all the gossiping and what not, but anyway they always have an "end time propecy" or something about nastrudamus or edgar cayce so i always read thoses articles and in said that in some predictions for the future that hollywood would no longe be able to keep their secrets ad there will be whistle blowers on all the crap going on. Considering at this time I learned of the industry series on youtube and was shocked. The prediction was pretty broad but i feel that someone that works for those mags know whats going on and thats part of the reason the media tries to desicredit them

  5. Interesting. What was the date of that issue?

  6. this was like before the new year so probably like september 08

  7. Maybe the media is becoming hip to all of the "truth seekers" online.
