Monday, June 8, 2009

Blonde Ambition
Here's a picture of Blondie's lead vocalist Deborah Harry with a bunch of old fashion radios. The picture is very similar to concepts and themes I've been exploring for a while involving the usage of radios in popular culture and how they subliminally represent trans-communication and/or channeling spirits or entities from other realms or dimensions. I explored these these here in my Radio Star entry.

Being that I am a big Blondie fan ,and have always been spiritually tuned in, I have always been aware of the hidden meanings to a lot of their songs. Recently I've re-discovered how great they were musically. Upon listening to their songs I was reminded of spiritual radio frequency, waves, and vibrational elements to their song "(I'm Always Touched) By Your Presence Dear".


Was it destiny?
I don't know yet
Was it just by chance?
Could this be kismet?
Something in my consciousness told me you'd appear
Now I'm always touched by your presence dear
When we play at cards you use an extra sense
It's really not cheating, you know?
You can read my hand I've got no defense
When you send your messages, whispered loud and clear
I'm always touched by your presence dear
Floating pass the evidence of possibilities
We could navigate together psychic frequencies
Coming into contact with outer entities
We could entertain each one with our theosophy
Stay awake at night and count your REM's
When you're talking with your super friends
Levitating lovers in the secret stratosphere
I am still in touch with your presence dear
I am still in touch with your presence dear

To me these lyrics are clearly referring to both the physic abilities that can be tuned and used to communicate and connect more intimately in human relationships and the ability to communicate with entities from other dimensions. All of this in a pop song? You'll be surprised how many songs have alternative views in plain sight if you take a closer look. Let's inspect the lyrics a little more.

Was it destiny?
I don't know yet
Was it just by chance?
Could this be kismet?
Something in my consciousness told me you'd appear
Now I'm always touched by your presence dear

In the first verse above Deborah is clearly singing about someone or something as she ponders what exactly was it that made her consciousness tell me her that this person or thing would "appear". Now that her consciousness made her aware she is always "in touch" with their "presence". The lyrics lead me to believe Deborah is not singing about physical contact.

When we play at cards you use an extra sense
It's really not cheating, you know?
You can read my hand I've got no defense
When you send your messages, whispered loud and clear
I'm always touched by your presence dear

She now sings that when this person or thing plays cards with her they use an extra sense. She is singing about the ability to see beyond the five senses.
This sixth sense ability allows her "dear" to see what card she has and so he wins at the game. She then sings that when her dear sends their messages that is when she is in touch with their "presence". Again, she refers to the contact as "presence" instead of "I'm am always in touch with you".

Floating pass the evidence of possibilities
We could navigate together psychic frequencies
Coming into contact with outer entities
We could entertain each one with our theosophy

In the section of lyrics above she sings that once they establish that this spiritual and mental dimensional traveling is possible they can travel together using their minds and spiritual energy and not be limited by their (or at least Debbie's) physical existence. They can then come into contact with other entities from the outer limits. This of course reminds me of the show Outer Limits and David Bowie's album Outside which I believe have similar themes. The line about Theosophy is also interesting consider Theosophy is the metaphysical (meta = beyond, physic = physical - so beyond physical limitations) study that aims to conclude that all religions have truth and push humanity towards spiritual perfection in their own way.

Stay awake at night and count your REM's
When you're talking with your super friends
Levitating lovers in the secret stratosphere
I am still in touch with your presence dear
I am still in touch with your presence dear

REM's are Rapid Eye Movements while sleeping. Deborah's dear's REM's are being caused by their inter-dimensional traveling and communication. "Super Friends" refers to friends with super abilities who are possibly from other realms.

Blondie of course have a shitload of songs with deeper meanings. The picture above from Parallel Lines is indicative of parallel univeses and/or worlds or being in two worlds. Until next time, stay in touch (LOL).

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