Sunday, January 18, 2009

Welcome to MK Culture

First of all I'd like to do a quick introduction and to thank anyone who might possibly be reading this blog. I go by the name Yeshua and I created this blog titled MK Culture. The title is a play off of the government sponsored mind control experiment called MK Ultra. MK Culture will be covering the many Occult and Mind Control programming found in various forms of mass media. In our modern world, entertainment is a very large part of our lives. It seems that most of us cannot survive without turning on the TV. If we're not watching TV we're on the internet, if we're not on the internet we have our IPods -- even cell phones have the ability to play music and/or watch videos. Because of this I feel it is very important to explore just what we're allowing to influence us subconciously. What exactly are we supporting? This blog will try to help in the process of bringing awareness to the many symbols, ideologies, and themes that are used repetively in the media. I hope you enjoy my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Curious why you go by Jesus' name in Hebrew? Seems blasphemous to me, but I know of Latino boys named Jesus, so I know people can use that as a given name. But we know these MK slaves and celebrities feel they are gods and godesses here on Earth, so it just reminds me of that.

    On a more positive note, I find this blog to be well-researched and well-written and I am enjoying it a lot, as disturbing as it is.
    I was a BIG music junkie during the time in which you wrote this blog, so it is interesting seeing all that I could not see back then. I've had to give up listening to music because of what I now know, and it was my life before 2020. It's been a knife to the heart learning all this, and at this point I feel like I could make a comparable blog to this one, only with the artists I used to obsess over. I would love to roast the hell out of them for deceiving me and the masses for so long. Once you have eyes to see, you can't help but find these symbols EVERYWHERE. Brand logos are full of occult symbolism, and is all over every company website I go to. I just want out of this Satanic hellscape at this point. I've pulled away from all traditional media, as I don't feel any of it is safe to consume, not even sports. No TV, movies, social media, music, and no more political podcasts or news. I've realized the joke that it all is, and that it ALL is steeped in the Satanic. Sports and music have been the hardest to give up. I still watch some YouTube, but most channels are Satanic, and once you know the signs and symbols they reveal themselves rather quickly. There's only a few safe channels I've found. This information can ruin a person mentally. It's a hard burden to shoulder, knowing all we know. Just watch for counter-intel folks and disinformation agents masquerading as truthers. Once you get deep into the content, you will always find ways to spot those with hidden agendas. Stay vigilant everyone! EYES TO SEE; EARS TO HEAR! And if anyone is still looking for content like this I'd go to A Call for an Uprising (he had a dozen abandoned old channels due to censorship and strikes) and he is now A Time for Judgement. He could be a shill too, but I've not gotten that sense. He's the best YouTube truth channel I've found TBH. I've found and followed lots of shills, and it has made me even wonder if there are any legit truthers out there. It's a hard path to tread.
