Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ritual Abuse


  1. Hi MK Culture. Great videos. Very informative. I am from Trinidad and Tobago. Thanks for spereading the message.

  2. Great work here. SRA is all too real, and represents the most horrific and unspoken (and mostly unprosecuted) crimes in our world.

    Having worked in law enforcement, I've seen the crime scenes, victim photos and reports personally - it is very real. I've also seen these crimes reduced and plea bargained down to lesser crimes to avoid mentioning the Satanic Ritual nature of the sexual and violent child abuse...plead down to "simple rape" or "simple child abuse", if anything. And if the criminals involved are rich and powerful enough, the charges just "go away" completely.

    The typical excuse used is that jury members ("normal people") won't be able to handle or believe that such horrific things are possible, and can't be real.

    It's almost a perfect crime, because it is so disgusting and horrifying that most cannot and will not face the grim reality of it. But it is real, and the victims who survive are severely damaged for life.

    God bless all the people spreading awareness of these crimes against humanity, and those who are helping survivors to regain their lives and sanity, in any way they can.

    1. Lovely comment LVB! I cannot imagine seeing that firsthand however. I could not handle it mentally.

  3. This recent video is really unnerving to watch and that child's tears were simply heart wrenching but I'm thankful you are bringing this to light. All of humanity needs to 'man up' and protect these children. I've been saying for the past decade-- we're being ran by a bunch of sociopaths/psychopaths and I thought that was bad enough but this satanic sickness that is happening... I'm at a loss for words. May God have mercy on their souls.

    And thanks LVB for sharing with us how real this whole sick thing is. I hate that society is turning a blind eye. How awful it must be to have to live through such a thing.

  4. thank you so much for continuing doing research and putting your findings into videos. the thing is unless your effected personally by this sort of crime you will shut your eyes and ears because it destroyes your perfect picture of this world. most people do not believe a single word, it is too much, it is too complex. it is good to know there are people out there who know the dirty truth, who will not mark you as craz and who fight to bring this to awareness. thank you for your time, work and effort to fight those monsters who do such things to children.

  5. My friend and I had a spiritual/paranormal adventure where we spoke to celebrities that passed on who told us they were killed by the Illuminati, we were told about Sex Slaves and Human Sacrifices, we fought Witches, Warlocks and Vampires in spiritual battle. We found out that most Celebrities are chipped and act and carry themselves in a robotic state. This HIGH SPIRITUAL AWARENESS began on September 27, 2007. NO LIE, NO JOKE!

    Years later these same voices of certain Celebrities lead me to You Tube and found out that my paranormal experiences with my friend were very true...Blood Sacrifices...Satanic Rituals...Robotic State - MK Ultra Trauma Based Mind Control. The info I was finding out to match my adventure with the Spiritual World was indeed true. I saw your SRA segments and it was heart-wrenching. I cried with that beautiful little girl and I remember crying a lot and having no sleep when we were fighting these ever demons and Witches, etc associated with this mess.



  6. Everyone go on this video link -> and pause at 3:08.
    Notice the logo on the certificate... a coincidence? I think not.
    An eye with a cross in it... screams out Illuminati.


  7. Hello, can you please fix the second part? it seems that it has been blocked. Thank you.


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  9. The illuminati is a secret society that strives to promote spiritual and moral values. It was founded under principles of love, justice, unity, peace, and relief. The illuminati bring together individuals of goodwill, irrespective of their differences and backgrounds, and ensure that these good men become better in the society. Do you wish to be a member of the illuminati and become rich, famous, powerful and excel in life? Were you will be giving $900,000 as first benefit. Kindly contact me now or add me up whatsapp +2348113388018 Email

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    P.S, What I said is "HOW", not "what"...

    TAP on this link to see if this brief test can help you find out your true weight loss possibilities

  11. Part 2 is still MIA (censored) and it wasn't on your Vimeo. I think this blog is sitting collecting dust in some memory box filled with all those old festival wristbands... would be good to dust things off and get important content like this up and living on your Vimeo. You really went all in on the whole cold turkey thing. I can be like that myself, but only with things I know are evil. I can drop those fast.
